The Issue At Hand
Research statistics show, for the most part, that
people generally do not trust the media. This is clearly
and undeniably the result of
previous exposure and past personal experience with the media, and
thus can be perceived as a well founded reservation, yet even with all
of that said, there are still a great many that continue to buy the whole
media package, hook
line and sinker.
For them, a very rude awakening awaits.
Like the crooked politicians and bankers they're
supposed to cover, the media is full of its own characters of
questionable morals and ethics, as you will quickly learn in reading
forward into this article.
If you are one of those who has put your total
faith and trust in our present media system, particularly the news
press, I applaud you for taking a moment to look beyond the corporate narrative, to
read this article, however, I warn you that what you are about to read can be unsettling,
when digested all at once. The corruption that has existed in this
country has been ongoing for well over a century now, so the things that
have been hidden during this time can be understandably overwhelming
to absorb in one sitting.
It is paradigm shifting to learn
that our present system of news in this country has essentially been
all about news management rather than the open truth. Given the
fact that the CIA's Operation Mockingbird was all about
infiltrating the media, it is clear the industry has been a target
of covert interest, for quite some time now.
People will rightfully say, but how could all of
this happen? Why?
As hard as the ensuing answer may be to hear for some,
it's really quite simple - if you control the news, you control public
perception. In many circles in this world, perception is often
perceived as reality, so controlling public perception is key to any
covert endeavor and/or cover-up.
The next logical question to ask would be, who has the ability in our
society to control the news media? Aside from covert infiltration, the
next obvious answer would be the ultra-wealthy. Let's face it, we the people have been lied to
ad nauseam when
it comes to matters of consequence for the uber-wealthy in this world,
for decades. Their sins have been covered over more times than not.
For those who still wonder, how do you lie to the people en masse,
all it takes is owning the media system, including
television, radio, movies, newspapers, magazines, book publishing
companies and all of social media to boot. Of note, it is only
affordable to the ultra-wealthy and their corporate behemoths.
For many, this issue is really nothing new, but if you
are one of those that is already alarmed by the first few opening
paragraphs, I apologize in advance for being the bearer of bad news,
but I urge you to read on, for your own edification and future
benefit. Things aren't always as we have been led to
believe. The truth often gives way to the higher priorities of those
with wealth and power.
As a former broadcast consultant, program
director and major market
broadcaster, I created this site for the purpose of informing the public about the
shortcomings of the mainstream corporate media - a system that we have all
been taught to trust for our news and information, but is not the
bearer of truth and light that we are all led to believe. Many would say that without this
huge green curtain for the wizard (the powers that be) to hide behind, none of the
notorious high crimes
of state in the last century could have, nor would have, gone unpunished.
What you're about to be presented with in this
article is a reality most in this world are unaware of -
one that they are absolutely oblivious to - and all because of
the things they've been told, and perhaps more importantly,
what they haven't been told - and all of it by the corporate media.
The fact of the matter is, to paraphrase Lord
Byron, truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Real Life Defined and
Confined, Just Like 'The Matrix'
Many unsuspecting people would be quite stunned to
learn that the world we live in is very
much like the Warner Bros. movie "The Matrix," where a false
facade has been masterfully painted over reality, in order to blind us
as to its true nature. This is more than likely a fairly disturbing
statement for many to accept, yet as a societal metaphor, that film
was much closer to real life than most have any clue of.
For those that have a hard time grasping how such a
thing could even be remotely possible, they need only to understand
one simple fact of life - one simple phrase with total
absolute meaning. It is a quote that arguably defines our reality more
than any other, and that is...
"History is written by the winners."
—Napoleon Bonaparte |
Author George Orwell thought the notion to be so
significant that he wrote an article
about it in 1944, also titled with the same quote, "History is written by the winners."
Shortly thereafter, another significant historical figure
added his own personal take as to the recording of history.
"History is written by the victors." —Sir
Winston Churchill |
While slightly different in wording, both quotes
share the same ideal, the point of which is very simple, concise and
quite clear... the winner's side gets to write the history books.
Once you grasp this basic, fundamental fact of life, it
is all too easy to understand why our society is as it is.
Whenever there are two opposing factions, both
sides likely have differing views and opinions as to how things should
be in life. As a result, they both often also have their own views and
opinions as to the origin of the adversity and contention that exists
between them.
Long story short, the winner of the battle is
always going to tell their side of the story. As a result, the loser's
account of the story often gets forever lost in history, all because the
victor wrote the history books.
Like it or not, this is a given in life.
The victor always writes the history, and they
continue to do so each and every day because they own the
multi-billion dollar corporate media machine.
This is how we are fooled on a daily basis.
The contention of this article is that the
corporate media has operated as the key enabler of high-crime
in this country since 1915, when it was first taken over by the
ultra-wealthy of this country for news control and to help push the US
to WWI. As a result of media consolidation, high crimes of the uber-rich
are often overlooked, with their bought-and-paid-for media being the primary
tool of choice.
With this simple thought now planted firmly in
mind, please consider the following:
The Real Purpose of the Corporate
Mainstream Media |
As hard as it is to say, one of the primary reasons that the corporate media exists
today is for news control or news management - to spin the news any way they want,
but more importantly, to hide the sins of the uber-rich and the corporate behemoths
which they wield against society, those that suck it dry of all its resources and
wealth, while helping to impoverish and oppress its people.
With that incendiary comment, let's attempt to
make this charge absolutely crystal clear. The media is presented to
its employees the exact same as it is to consumers. There is no open
concerted attempt by all who work in the media to influence our social
values and political opinions. Today's corporate newsroom is not a conspiracy
war-room where all stories are hatched to manipulate the public. There
are of course exceptions to the rule within the original big three
networks, but News Corp and FOX News might arguably be the worst
offenders of all.
News control today happens through policy more
than anything else. For example, stories affecting those within the
organization's own monetary line-of-sight, such as financial backers
or corporate advertisers, these stories will get specific scrutiny for
liability and damages. If the picture isn't pretty, the corporate
interest and pressure suddenly increases. Money is sadly the bottom line
in any
corporate environment.
For the record, there are indeed many good, well
intentioned people in the media.
Not everyone is a CFR member or part of the effort to keep Americans
in the dark. That much needs to be said, but this also works to the
benefit of the
bad apples inside, because evil generally likes to hide behind good in this
world - the proverbial "wolf in sheep's clothing."
What people need to understand is that like any
other corporation, the media operates in a hierarchy, with reporters
and on-air talent being only a tertiary portion of the media picture.
There are multiple tiers of authority to be followed at the corporate
level. The second part of the equation is the program directors, news
directors, and consultants who steer and direct the talent. They in
turn answer to the primary source of media power, the general manager,
VP, president, and ownership.
Ownership, President/CEO, VP, General manager...
Consultants, Program director, News director...
On-air talent, reporters, anchors, etc...
This is no different from any other corporate,
government or military organization. They all have a hierarchy. I
personally know reporters who have had stories turned back because
those making the decisions said, "We're sorry, but we just can't
run the story as is because corporate thinks it could be too
At that point, the story gets severely neutered
and watered down, all in an effort to make it on-air or into
print in some form. (See FOX-Monsanto story further below) If the
story still has too much uncomfortable content for those at the
top, the story gets killed altogether. This happens more times than
most have any idea of. This is, more often than not, how news censorship today
is reasoned and rationalized at the corporate level. This is how most
generally happens, from those at the top, under the guise of
uncertainty for the story facts and the ensuing potential for
It needs to be noted up front that this
article and website is not meant as an attack on those who do take journalism
seriously and responsibly, but rather it is meant as a well-intentioned indictment of a
very wealthy
cartel that has infiltrated our government and our media system, operating against the best interests of "We the People."
But how could all of this happen, you ask.
How could anyone take over a republic and/or
democracy without firing a single shot?
Well, first off, there have been shots fired
throughout this whole takeover of the US, but the main key has always
been, the media has been there along the way to tell the official
story on how those shots should be perceived by the general
public. The media is the key to any successful coup. It is the one way
to takeover a country without violence, by fooling its people. The only way to fool the people is to steal
their media, and that is precisely what has happened here in the US.
The uber-wealthy own the mainstream corporate media, the mouthpiece of
our society.
Little-Known US Media
History That Makes all the Difference
1915... JP Morgan Jr. bought up
the nation's top 25 newspapers with the sole purpose of controlling the
US media. Congressman Oscar Callaway documented this in the official US
record in 1917. |
The creation of the Committee on Public Information (CPI), run by
George Creel. This organization was for the purpose of information dissemination.
(news control, disinformation and propaganda) |
1921... the
infamous Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) was formed by Edward Mandel House, with the aim of
affecting US policy. The CFR holds influence with both
political parties, but also the corporate media as well. Rumored to be
a cousin of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). |
1948... the CIA initiated
Operation Mockingbird, employing over 400 US journalists and
media members through the 50's, 60's, and 70's, in order to control US
news. (exposed by the 1975 Church
Commission) |
many of our mainstream media members belong
to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a geo-political
organization that, at best, is overtly involved in foreign relations
control, and at the worst, rumored to be covertly working for a
unified global
government. |
How could a sordid arrangement of big money and
political power, coupled with society's news watchdog, possibly be good for the general public?
Do you really think you're getting
the honest, unbiased truth from a corporate news media that embeds itself
as members within an organization such
as the CFR?
"History is written by the winners."
—Napoleon Bonaparte
"History is written by the
—Sir Winston
Churchill |
This should cause anyone reading this to have
immediate reservations regarding the integrity and purpose of the
corporate mainstream media, because belonging to a geopolitical
organization is strictly antithetical to the purpose of being a
Principles & Guidelines
On the very first day of broadcast school,
we were told the Two Most Important Rules of Journalism:
Always follow the truth, because the
truth is the story.
NO entangling alliances
that prevent you from following rule #1.
These are undeniably the two most important of all
to adhere to, however, there are a few more rules than just those to
follow in the course of professional and ethical journalism.

We all understood what that meant back then, on
that first day of broadcast school, about staying independent, with no
entangling alliances... but apparently, sadly enough, some have
forgotten those first two simple rules and lost their integrity along
the way, in their drive to the top.
That's what the inside of the corporate media is
like. Everyone wants to get to the top, and most generally do whatever they can to get
to the top - to make it to a top ten market where the big money and
the fame are at. In their myopic quest to reach "the big time," people are obviously quite willing
to part with their scruples in order to be another face on TV, or a
name in print, or a
voice on the radio.
To make this situation worse, the media
self-glorifies itself, presenting an egotistical allure to a naive
and gullible public. A communications education and an FCC first
class license are no longer the norm, nor are they even required these days.
Any doofus or bobblehead off the street can be in the
media nowadays, so long as you can type well, kiss ass, and follow
orders. Reading a teleprompter is a plus!
Media Whores
Today, being a media figure has become a perversely
revered societal status symbol. People are so smitten by the media
that it has almost become like royalty status. As a result, many
people want to be in the media, but such an aspiration of
self-importance too often draws many who are fallible in their
integrity - people of high eqo, insecurity, and
often a shallow moral character - people who will do whatever it takes
to be a star. These are not the type of people that society needs as a 4th estate
guardian of our liberty and freedoms.
"The victor always writes the history, and they
continue to do so each and every day because they own the
multi-billion dollar corporate media machine."
For some, "anything goes" in their drive to
reach the major markets. Nothing else matters in their world. At that
point, compromises are often too easily made. Perhaps one of the most
notable would be the journalists and reporters who willfully
accept an invitation to join a questionable group such as the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR).
Shockingly enough, this is unfortunately now seen as a career benefit
by many in today's news and media - but is undeniably something that
is 100-percent a conflict of interest.
For the record, there are two types of people in the broadcasting
industry... those who truly aspire to be real news journalists - and those who
just want
to be a TV star. Those who join the CFR couldn't possibly
have any real interest in true journalism, due to the immense
conflict of interest in joining an organization with a foreign affairs agenda and
numerous assorted international connections. For any
journalist to be involved with the CFR is an undeniable career oxymoron, due to the extreme
conflicting interests involved in such an alignment.
Personally, this author equates media whores who
join the CFR, the exact same as...
Cops who are crooked and on the take.
Politicians who align with corporate interests.
Priests who are pedophiles and prey upon young boys.
In each of these instances of moral depravity you have two things that clearly do not belong
together. Not only do you have professionals who are not doing their prescribed duty - they
are literally doing the opposite of their duty!
Ergo, there is no difference between media members
in the CFR and those on the short list above, pedophiles included.
So, when you see the list of media members farther
below, those who have accepted invitations into the CFR, you will know
for sure who isn't a true journalist. You will know who the
traitors are to their profession. Those are the people in the media to
be wary of.
Eager to Serve or
Serving Ego
Quite sadly, too many who embark on the path are
easily blinded by the glitter and bright lights of the industry, and
they quickly get lost in their climb to the top. Like the moth to the
flame, the lure of the bright media lights is unfortunately just too
hypnotic and mesmerizing for some, and as a result, too many often
sacrifice their moral ethics and principles just to bask in the radiance
of its spotlight - and the warm glow of public adoration.
In short, the industry draws an enormous amount of
overblown egos who have a depreciated set of moral values and
questionable integrity.
Media members who join the CFR fit this category.
Let me make one other distinction with the
corporate media... those that joined Operation Mockingbird for
the CIA often did so because they thought they were doing a
patriotic thing, (because the CIA would never lie or use them,
right?) but... where is the rationale for accepting an invitation into
the CFR? There can be no claim of "patriotic effort" there.
That relationship is nothing more than blatantly
crawling into bed with the wrong people.
Personal Experiences
Now, let me digress a moment and share a little from
my own personal experiences. I
started my broadcast career in a tiny Missouri town in the late
1970's and then worked myself all the way to San Francisco, California
in the 80's and 90's, the #4 market in the country. It took a lot of
personal effort and hard work, however, I also had influential industry contacts
and will readily admit that did help me immensely. As the
old saying goes, to get to the top, it does help to know someone. If
they take the time to look at your work and resume, then you have a
All of the broadcast professionals that I knew very
much relied on this principle as well and would continually work at developing new
industry contacts. In a nutshell, it was
just simple "networking." You utilized the phone for hours
during the week, trying to make new contacts within the
industry, while also solidifying valued existing contacts. You had to
do that because of the nature of the game - it's a dog eat dog world
in the upper tiers of the corporate media and anyone will take your
job for less money just to initially get their foot through that
lucrative corporate broadcast door.
With all of this said, never once did I ever have to
join an unsavory organization in order to get to the top. If you
wanted to rub elbows in the industry, you did that by attending the
numerous annual broadcast conventions and conclaves. None of the
people that I personally knew ever joined the CFR to get ahead in
broadcasting, yet today, most every notable news anchor and budding
reporter is willing to join that invitation-only fraternity, with the hopes of gaining their own
new influential contacts, to possibly help promote and move their
careers along.
Here's the gigantic difference though... these
unscrupulous news "whores" are rubbing elbows - and other body parts,
with the wrong people, because those are the same people they're
supposed to be covering as part of their job.
That's an irrefutable, undeniable conflict of interest.
You don't have to crawl into bed with criminals in order to cover
crime. News people do not belong in the CFR. Plain and simple.
Conflicting Interests
What is really perverted in all of this is the cold hard fact
that the FCC will revoke your broadcast license and throw you in jail
for taking corporate record-label payola (pay-to-play records),
yet somehow... the news media is allowed to embed itself within an
organization of big $$$ corporate executives, CEO's, judicial
officials and politicians... the very people that they're supposed to
be covering to begin with, as part of their job as media watchdogs.
Yeah... noooo conflict there, right?
So, with all of this said, once again
I ask you... why would any reputable news journalist compromise their
highly valued journalistic integrity,
to become involved in an organization that they should be wary of to
begin with, one that they should be covering as a potential story subject
instead, without the personal bias of an entangling alliance?
Let me answer that question myself, if I may, with
a nod to comedian Lewis Black, "because
they're not @#%* reputable journalists!"
You can see the names for
yourself, right on the
CFR website. Thankfully, they are actually quite short-sided in
allowing such a blatant public exposure. Some names are kept hidden
from the public, but for now, the list is still long and voluminous.
(Including a former Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Try as
hard as you can to figure
the moral or professional ethics in that one out, for a sitting member
"Without the huge green curtain for the wizard to
hide behind, none of the crimes of state in the last century would
have gone unpunished." |
This unprofessional relationship between the media
and the CFR is very much unethical. There is no tenable argument as to why
such an affiliation is necessary for the US media.
The entwinement of the corporate media and CFR
also supports the fact that former CIA Director William Colby once
admitted, "the CIA owns anyone of any consequence in the mainstream
Taking into account what has already been revealed
about Operation Mockingbird, it's clear that Colby was not
So, as you can probably
already tell, just from this short introductory dissertation, there is much that
most people have no clue about regarding the
mainstream media.
I cannot begin to tell you how
many ego-oriented people populate the industry, most of them more than willing to sell their
soul and read whatever is put in front of them on a teleprompter, just
so they can be a media celebrity on TV, in print, or the radio.
It is a poor selection pool for a job with so much
importance weighted to society, as the 4th estate watchdog over
government and the guardian of our freedoms.
With all of this said, it has to be emphasized
that not all media members are part of the problem. There are a ton of
very good people working in the media, but as the old
saying goes, it only takes a few bad apples to spoil the proverbial
barrel. The corporate hierarchy of the industry filters and controls the
honest good media apples, while arguably rewarding a great many of the rotten ones.
More often that not, you will see in many cases
where it is the local media that oftentimes reports a story, but then
the national media avoids the story. In other cases history has shown
us that
the national media will only address a sensitive story, if the story has already become public knowledge.
In these instances they react as
a means of damage control, as a way to manage the leak. When
that happens, unsurprisingly, it's often a CFR reporter who delivers
the official party line for the media.
News control happens in many ways - and more often
than not, right in front of your eyes. Once you begin to research and
fact check on your own, this sleight-of-hand will more than likely
become more apparent.
With all of this said, below are some searchable
examples where the media has failed miserably in it's duties for
"We the People."
A Short Primer on Media Control
Here is Animator Robert
Smigel's Take on the Media
"Conspiracy Theory Rock"
This was played on Saturday Night Live but
reportedly was pulled after airing to prevent a possible rebroadcast.

So You Think the US Media is Trustworthy?
One of the most incredulous things I ever heard
regarding the media was a comment from a very naive person who
claimed, "It's illegal to lie on TV." I asked this person where
they got such an idea and to please show me the law that states this.
Needless to say, the question took this person back quite a bit as
they weighed the challenge I had just presented. In their
defense, many people actually believe this myth as well, but the fact of the
matter is,
there is no law barring someone from lying on TV. Such a
law does not exist. (FYI - politicians lie all the time on TV.) In the
new era of partisan news (which should be categorized as the real "fake news")
lying still happens every day, as networks attempt to present news
stories with a political slant. The truth is not partisan
though, yet there
are many in the media working hard to get people to believe their take
on news spin.
The fact is, reporters are people and people lie when
it suits them or serves their interests. Here are but just a few instances
where the media has been caught lying...
The biggest joke of all is the new term "fake news,"
which was created to discredit those who try to expose the dishonesty
of the corporate news media. As such, they have now created an
argument loop which can only go round and round, like a dog chasing
its tail. Each side calls the other fake news, leaving it up to
the viewer to decide who is right. So far John Q Public has not fared
so well in discerning which news source is best. The term "fake news"
is now right up there with "conspiracy theory," something to get
people to immediately shut down whenever they hear it. This is what
those with all the power and money do best, they obfuscate the facts
and muddy the argument so that the public becomes divided over the
issue. That's a win-win for them because division in society always
cuts the opposition and the argument in half and that's much easier to
deal with.
See also:
Here Are The Most- And Least-Trusted News Outlets In America
Below Are Numerous Examples of
4th Estate Journalistic Failure

If the corporate media was truly all about telling you
the truth, then why haven't they told you more about the following 33
1) The 1975 Church Commission report exposing
the real danger of the CIA. This highly damning report was the
first to
expose the dirty laundry of the CIA and its deep
bag of dirty tricks,
in particular, its assassination program, known as "Operation
Phoenix," and its illegal operation on US domestic soil.
The CIA was
never tasked for domestic duty. That responsibility has always
belonged to the FBI. The CIA was outed in this damning report for its political
assassinations, as well as its illegal covert activities at home.
Among its domestic programs was a covert plan called "Operation Mockingbird," which
revealed the CIA's deep undercover connections within the US media.
(see #19)
As a matter of fact, from
1946 through 1948, in just its first two years of existence, the CIA
did as much to damage and undermine the country, as if we had lost the
war. Some feel, as a result of post-war Nazi penetration into the US
intel-infrastructure, that we did lose.
It is most interesting that the agency turned to
George HW Bush in its darkest hour to lead the CIA out of the Church
Commission's scorching spotlight. Bush has steadfastly claimed that he
had no prior CIA involvement before becoming its director. Hard to
believe the CIA would hire a rookie to lead the organization, at the
one time when the agency had been caught with its hand in the dark-ops
cookie jar. There is much evidence to show that Bush was indeed a
longtime CIA asset, as early as the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
The "agency" is regarded by many as the most
dangerous and despised organization on the face of the earth and
certainly the most damaging to the well-being of the US and world
peace. Just listen to
former FBI Director Ted Gunderson on the CIA.
Former president Harry Truman once said of the CIA, "I never
would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence
Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the
American Gestapo."
After the murder of President John F. Kennedy on
November 22, 1963, Truman
wrote a public op/ed in the Washington Post one month later, on December 22, 1963,
saying quite frankly in the letter, “I think it has become
necessary to take another look at the purpose and operations of our
Central Intelligence Agency.”
This is but the tip of the iceberg as to why many
question this nefarious organization.
2) The fake right-handed Osama bin
Laden video, which purported to show Osama taking credit for 9/11. It
an obvious fake because his FBI wanted poster and video records,
all show Osama to be left-handed, yet the man in the alleged
confession video gestured, drank, ate, and even wrote with
his right hand. The NSA and media deliberately sold this obvious
3) The Persian Gulf War lie (1st
Iraq war). The media sold the war, rather than question the story
about Iraqi's kicking over
Kuwaiti baby incubators. The girl who
testified as an alleged eyewitness was actually the daughter of the
Kuwaiti ambassador.
The story about the babies was a deliberate lie,
the brain-child of Washington DC PR firm Hill & Knowlton. CBS'
60-Minutes program
reported on the story only after it became public.
This story should have been uncovered much earlier, but the media
failed in their due diligence to check into the
false incubator reports.
4) The 2nd Iraq war was planned
long before 9/11.
Bush wanted war with Saddam Hussein. Weapons inspector Hans Blix was pulled from Iraq
after finding no weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Joe Wilson and
Scott Ritter also said no WMD, yet the US alleged that yellowcake
uranium from Africa was being shipped to Iraq. No WMD were ever found. The
US also tried to tie
Saddam to 9/11, even though there were no ties. Years later,
Bush admitted in a press conference that
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, yet to this day a greater portion of
the US populace still thinks Iraq was involved, proving that their
pre-war brainwashing had worked perfectly, as planned.
5) The Kennedy assassination lone gunman myth. Despite the fact that the
Select Committee on Assassinations said in 1976 that there "was
conspiracy" of more than one involved in President Kennedy's murder
and also the murder of Martin Luther King Jr., (see #32) the mainstream corporate
media still continually regurgitates the Warren Commission lie that
Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone conspirator and gunman. The Warren
Commission was an outright fraud - and the addition by Johnson of
former CIA director Allen Dulles, a man that Kennedy had fired over
the Bay of Pigs, was the topper.
The House Select Committee on
Assassinations no longer gets talked about.
6) CIA document 1035-960. Speaking of the infamous Warren
Commission, the media has never talked about
this particular document, the
instructions on how to combat doubters of the official Warren
Commission report and also how the media should cover it. It is from this
specific document that the term "conspiracy theory" was born.
This document is considered as a foundation for covering the sins of
7) Two ignored presidential warnings. Why didn't the media talk about
the fact that TWO United States presidents tried to warn us of impending
perils in the spring of 1961? Outgoing president and five-star general
Dwight D.
Eisenhower was
warning the public to beware of the "military industrial
complex." That alone should have raised a Spock eyebrow for some
in the media, but then they totally ignored a very deliberate and
calculated effort from President John F. Kennedy, informing them about
criminal cabals
and secret
organizations that had infiltrated the government. Kennedy even went
so far as to ask for their help in "alerting the American people."
Instead, the
media did nothing, perhaps due to involvement in the
CIA's Operation Mockingbird. These two warnings were only 100
days apart, yet were ignored by the corporate media.
8) The Real Reasons for President Kennedy's
Murder. There are many reasons rumored for President Kennedy's
Executive Order 11110,
June of 1963, is often talked about as a challenge to the Federal Reserve banking
cartel, but others point to
National Security Memorandum 273
as the key to Kennedy's murder. It is reported to have been written by McGeorge Bundy and placed into the official record
immediately after Kennedy died. (Some have reported it was
drafted the day before and placed into the record on the 22, although
available docs show a date of the 26, but that is something that could
have been amended afterward.) The new Memo
273 totally contradicted
National Security Memorandum 263, which
Kennedy put into the record himself earlier, on October 11,
signaling his intentions to start pulling out of Vietnam. (See:
Final Report)
9) The Project for a New American Century. Why doesn't the media talk
about a group of men known as the PNAC, who published a document
called "Rebuilding America's Defenses"
in September of 2000, calling
essentially for a world dominated by the US, while fostering the
notion that a "new Pearl Harbor" was just what they needed to
their plan along much quicker.
Those men would soon be given key
influential posts within the Bush-Cheney administration. One year
later, to the month, they received their new Pearl Harbor on September
11th. Since then, their plan has conveniently unfolded as laid out in
their document. This group is also responsible for writing another
infamous document, a companion piece that deals with the middle east,
called "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for
Securing the Realm." Many in the PNAC are suspected of
having dual nationality, to both Israel and the US, but with Israel as
their first allegiance. After receiving much post-9/11 notoriety, the
PNAC conveniently switched its name, in an effort to avoid further
scrutiny, to the FPI (Foreign Policy Initiative).
10) The anthrax attacks were not
acts of foreign terror, but instead were a domestic operation. The US
government tried to convince everyone that the attacks were the work
of terrorists, but once
the anthrax was tracked back to a US military
base, Ft. Detrick, the plan quickly shifted to blaming two innocent US
scientists, independently of each other - first Steven Hatfill and then
Bruce Ivins. Though both men long withheld their own individual
innocence, the unwarranted public disgrace and humiliation took its
toll on Ivins. He was said to have died from a Tylenol overdose - something not easy to do and
yet, somewhat easy to correct under proper emergency
care. The government has now conveniently rested its case on Ivins,
because a dead man can no longer deny false allegations.
11) The 9/11 attacks. This one is number "11" for a
good reason. Why has the corporate mainstream media been so
silent on 9/11, when there are numerous,
glaring incongruities that
raise obvious questions about the
official story?
DOT head Norman Mineta testified
before the 9/11
Commission that former Vice President Dick Cheney was tracking the incoming Pentagon
object from well over 50 miles out, yet when asked by a young
serviceman if the order still stands, Mineta said, "Cheney whipped
his neck around and said, 'Of course the order still stands. Have
you heard anything to the contrary?'" The object was not shot down,
or even shot at, nor was any non-essential personnel evacuated from
the Pentagon. Original reports said 184 died that day at the
Pentagon. That number has since been revised down to 125.
President George W. Bush, the Commander in Chief, sat on his butt in a
school classroom, even after his Chief of Staff Andy Card directly
told him that, "A second tower has been hit. America is under
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld abandoned his post,
which was
directing the defense of this country, by instead running out onto the
Pentagon lawn to assist in activities there that were A) already well covered
to begin with
and B) not even remotely close to his official duties.
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani
publicly told
ABC's Peter Jennings live on national television that he was forewarned
that the towers were going to collapse. He then later denied ever
saying this. Why?
The 9/11 Commission says it
was set up to fail, but why would that ever interest a complicit,
servile corporate media?
12) The Gulf of Tonkin attack never happened.
The incident that President Johnson used to lead the US into Vietnam,
a war that his predecessor, President Kennedy, was trying to lead us
out of. Former
Defense Secretary Robert McNamara revealed before his death that
the event had never happened. It was
however apparently used as a ruse to get the US to war, so that the "military industrial
complex" could reap huge profits, an issue that Kennedy's own
predecessor, President Eisenhower had warned of earlier.
13) Transcelerate Biopharma. This bastard
child of the pharmaceutical industry opened its doors in 2012, to
absolutely no press scrutiny whatsoever.
This company is propped up by
the other big pharma corporations, each contributing to it
financially. Those on the inside call it a "collaboration."
This author chooses another C-word... "collusion."
The railroad robber-barons were broken up because of a monopoly
(Northern Securities Company Trust) in 1901 under the Sherman
Antitrust Act, so how then does Transcelerate Biopharma even possibly
exist? If rich railroad owners cannot collude together, how is it
possible then for rich big pharma owners to do so? This corporation should have never been allowed in the first
place. Reportedly, one of the
first orders of business for Transcelerate Biopharma has been to work
diligently to remove the adverse drug warnings from their television and radio
commercials, because as big pharma says, people just don't want to
hear that. This company operates at behest of the pharmaceutical
industry as a whole, the number four largest industry in the world,
behind banking (1), the military industrial complex (2) and oil & gas
(3). Transcelerate Biopharma
is a collusion of big pharma and as a result, is a present danger to
humankind and thus should be broken up under antitrust law.
14) Suicide is rising in the US. According
CDC statistics, suicide is on the rise in key older demos in the
US, yet no one is saying anything about it. Perhaps the reason being
is that "coincidentally," the dramatic rise in suicide just happens to coincide with
a 400% increase in SSRI prescription drug
use in the US. As
an insult to injury, a new Department of Health and Human Services
program called
Healthy People 2020
has been enacted, with one goal being the identification of more
potential Americans for
drug use. This beneficial program for Big Pharma will thus
perpetuate and exacerbate the suicide issue. The
media isn't totally devoid of articles on the US
epidemic of suicide, they're just not making the critical
connection yet with increased SSRI, NDRI and SNRI psychotropic drugs,
which carry the risk of suicidal thoughts as a primary side effect. One
can only wonder if this isn't by deliberate devious design, to protect Big Pharma from
liability and keep the American public in the dark on the dangers of
these drugs..
15) The great American gun lie. This is
probably one of the most egregious and transparent of all media lies.
If you watch the mainstream corporate media, you would think we truly
do have a gun problem, however... if you do your research, as the
media has not, you will come across the FBI's Uniform Crime
Report (UCR), known as the authoritative source for crime and gun
statistics in the US. When looking at those statistics, it is
disheartening to see the media is not doing their due diligence on this one,
because the FBI shows that
by gun has been cut in half, since 1993, despite the fact that
gun ownership has increased exponentially. We have gone from 16,136
murders by gun in 1993, down to just 8,124 today. The death
rate for murder by gun is a diminutive, paltry .003% of
the country - not even 1%! The corporate media
should be ashamed. Instead, they should be investigating the
suspicious origin behind the recent spate of mass
murders in this country. There is much evidence to suggest black-op
programs behind these shootings, carried out by covert hit-squads with intel-agency backing. (See
16) Mass gun murders are likely black-op attacks.
The media has not done its due diligence on this issue,
because in many cases, they claim that there was only ONE lone gunman
for many of the major (highly suspicious) shooting sprees as of late in
this country, however...
eyewitness tell a whole different story.
The Sikh Temple eyewitnesses from Wisconsin said that FOUR white men
in black SWAT gear came in with submachine guns and just started
shooting. In the Aurora, Colorado theater shootings, there were at
least three people identified by witnesses inside the movie theater.
At the Sandy Hook elementary school shootings, there were at least
four people involved there as well, as revealed by emergency dispatch
tapes and helicopter news video. One theory as to why we have these black-op shooting sprees is to feign a gun issue in
the US, so that guns can be restricted and eventually taken away, as
has happened in the UK and many other countries.
17) Catastrophic Terrorism Study Group.
Formed in 1998, this group was comprised of Ashton B. Carter, John
Deutch, and Philip Zelikow. Together, this trio wrote a highly
questionable document called,
"Catastrophic Terrorism: Elements of a National Policy."
As if the title alone isn't enough to raise eyebrows, this
document also referred to another "Pearl Harbor" event which
would galvanize new anti-terrorism laws and increase public
surveillance. Again, this was pre-9/11.
For the record, Ashton B. Carter is now the US
Defense Secretary. John Deutch was also Secretary of Defense and then
later head of the CIA. Philip Zelikow, whose college thesis dealt with
the manufacture and perpetuation of societal myths, was the head of
the 9/11 Commission. An interesting trio to come together, back in
1998... talking about making terrorism a major component of
national policy. This unreported coincidence regarding
terrorism as a national policy, previous to 2001 and the resulting
"War on Terror," is very telling and highly suspicious to many.
18) The CIA reportedly supported & partnered with Nazi
intelligence after WWII. Formed immediately after the war in 1946, one of
the agency's very
first unscrupulous efforts came with the recruitment of Nazi
intelligence officers and scientists into the United States through
Operation Paperclip,
where known Nazi war criminals were kept from the Nuremberg trials and
instead given sensitive positions here in the US within the defense
and intelligence industry. It's extremely disturbing to understand
that in it's very first year of inception, the CIA's first thought
was, "Let's partner with the Nazis." Despite the fact that the
US government was vilifying the Nazis as pure evil during and after
WWII, they somehow saw fit to hastily employ them after the war. The
CIA reportedly went a step further, by helping to establish and foster the infamous
Gehlen Organization in Nazi Germany, an intelligence agency for
the purpose of spying on the Russians. It reportedly became the BND,
but many Nazi intelligence assets were later absorbed into
the CIA, which is a very disturbing thought to digest.
The following quote sums it up best regarding CIA
affiliation with the Nazis:
"Hiring (Reinhard) Gehlen was the biggest mistake the US ever made.
Our allies said, 'You are putting Nazis at the senior levels of your
intelligence,' and they were right." -Victor
Marchetti, CIA Veteran, former Chief of Soviet Strategic War Plans
Some would say that we never defeated the Nazis,
because they have assimilated with us, just like the Borg from
Star Trek lore. (See Truman's quote on regretting creation of the
CIA.) Much of their perverted Nazi ideology has since taken
strong root within America's intelligence and defense industry, as
well as showing influence through post-war politics.
19) Takeover of the US media. Less than two years later, the
CIA's next patriotic impulse to serve the nation was to overthrow the
4th estate, in essence, neutering democracy's watchdog for
freedom through a covert plan to control the US media, known as
Operation Mockingbird,
whereby the CIA infiltrated the media and actively recruited
American journalists for the purpose of spreading disinformation and propaganda,
including legendary industry icons such as Walter Lippman, Edward R. Murrow, and
Walter Cronkite. These were the people Americans trusted most, yet
they turned their back on the people and instead delivered the party
line, rather than the truth.
It was news control, plain and simple.
Mockingbird proved that
our media had been
infiltrated and co-opted by the CIA. So much for the 4th estate's
ability to perform its job as the watchdog of our freedoms and alert "We the People" to irresponsible, bad government. The program lasted for over three decades and is rumored to
still be active to this day, under a new designation and title. These
findings were uncovered as part of the
1975 Church Commission Hearings on the CIA, but they were
immediately covered up in 1976, by incoming CIA
Director George HW Bush.
20) The 1993 World Trade Center Bomb was
provided by the FBI.
The New York times actually reported on this
one, but the mainstream media has never touched this story ever again.
That's because informant Emad Salam had said that the FBI provided a
real bomb to Yamzi Yousef and then let him set it off. The FBI was
essentially controlling this alleged "sting" operation that got out of
hand while under their control. The question that has remained all
these years is... Why did the FBI provide a real bomb, instead of a
fake? Watch what
former FBI Director Ted Gunderson had to say about the 1993 WTC
21) The 1995 Oklahoma City bombing was a false
flag. Explosives expert
General Benton K. Partin testified that
fertilizer bombs were not capable of the destruction seen at the
Murrah federal building. Partin wrote to Senator Trent Lott: "The
attached report contains conclusive proof that the bombing of the
Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was not
caused solely by the truck bomb. Evidence shows that the massive
destruction was primarily the result of four demolition charges placed
at critical structural points at the third floor level." Partin
concluded, "It is my observation that the effort required to bomb
the A. P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City pales in comparison
with the effort to cover up evidence in Oklahoma and the media's
withholding of vital information from the American people."
Mysteriously, the office of the ATF did not show up for work that
particular morning. As coincidence would strangely have it,
many of the Whitewater and Clinton investigation files were stored in
this federal building. The corporate media conveniently left all of
this out of their reporting. (See also:
A Noble Lie)
22) The healthcare debate was a scam. The
entire healthcare fiasco was all about killing HR-676, a bill which
was gaining support from both sides of the aisle, from Democrats and
Republicans. The only ones not supporting it were the fat-cat
insurance company owners, because
HR-676 was going to turn back the
clock and make healthcare non-profit. The insurance industry did not
want to lose the hundreds of billions they make each year, so they
spent over $1-million dollars per day, just to obfuscate the facts and
muddy the water with insane claims of "death panels." The tip
off is the fact that HR-676 was never included as one of the five new
healthcare plans proposed. It was all about "insurance care," not
For the record, HR-676 was free healthcare to all Americans,
with no co-pay and no deductible, none whatsoever. You got to
choose your own doctor, choice of hospital... everything about your healthcare,
you got to choose. Instead, we have now all received worse
healthcare insurance, but the health insurance industry got to reap the reward of
50-million new forced healthcare customers. Health insurance industry
owners and executives
should be indicted and imprisoned for this.
23) Toxic chemtrails in our sky. The US
government has been spraying our sky with toxic chemicals since the
mid 80's, for many different covert black-op applications, only one of
which is an attempt to play God and
control the weather as a tactical military
warfare tool. (Russia and China are reported to be doing this as
well.) There are also at least half a dozen
other insidious applications for this aerial spraying technology.
The primary elements known to be sprayed are aluminum (Alzheimer's),
barium (blood pressure), strontium (carcinogen) and manganese
(aggravated behavior), but that's just the tip of the
chemical-cocktail, because there are many other chemicals being
reported as well. It is a nano-sized particulate that is so tiny it
can enter the nose and penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Note the
fact that Alzheimer's has had a significant increase over the last two
decades, as well as numerous new neurological disorders, not to
mention an increase in cancer.
The US noticeably stepped up its aerial spraying program in the 90's, but
since the millennium, they've gone absolutely bat-shit crazy. If you
haven't noticed it by now, you're just not looking up enough. Many
scientists and noted researchers all around the world are finding
toxic chemicals in rain water, soil and plant life. There are many
environmental groups also lobbying Congress to have this secret
program halted. Very tellingly, the national mainstream corporate media has said
absolutely nothing about
this. (see for more info.)
24) The Federal Reserve is not federal. Over
100 years of a national lie that never receives the proper scrutiny from
the corporate media. They willfully drone on for weeks about
outrageous celebrity behavior, but when it came to the toppling of our
economy, no one talks about the real elephant in the room. They speak
of Federal Reserve policies, but no one dares speaks of its independence from
government, nor its private ownership group that profits
enormously at the nation's expense.
A central bank that has never had a full
audit in over 100 years.
Two catastrophic depressions under their
stewardship is just 79 years time.
The dollar has lost 95% of its value since the
Federal Reserve took over
Other banks are audited regularly, but strangely
enough, not the Federal Reserve bank, the one banking
institution with larger money transfers than any other bank, yet they
get no audit. One would think that after crashing the country's
economy twice during their tenure, that they might receive
at least one or two audits in over a century's time, but
apparently this is not the case. The middle class is systematically
being wiped out by the Fed.
As arrogantly stated by former Federal Reserve
Chairman Alan Greenspan, "The federal reserve is an independent
agency and that means basically that there is no other agency of
government which can overrule actions that we take."
This is a huge fact that most Americans have
absolutely no clue of, simply because the corporate media does not
wish to talk about
the private ownership of the Federal Reserve. The
few people that do know are extremely upset over this little known
American secret.
25) The War on Drugs is a lie. According to
deceased journalist
Gary Webb, formerly of the San Jose Mercury News,
and deceased LA cop
Michael Ruppert, the CIA runs most of the drug
traffic in the US, as a means of obtaining unaccountable black
operations money - and as a tool of social destabilization. The
long rumored Iran-Contra Mena drug operation between Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton
and U.S. President George H.W. Bush has been written about extensively
by the independent press, but not the corporate mainstream press. This
is a topic that has become taboo to the media, especially so after the
alleged suicide of Webb, who was reported to have had two
gunshot wounds to the back of his head.
26) The War for Drugs is real. The illegal,
unprovoked war against Afghanistan is about more than just an oil
pipeline to the Caspian Sea and a lithium source to supply the west's
battery needs.
It is also undeniably about the
illegal flow of opium
and heroin. A check of Afghanistan's poppy production shows
that it dropped to zero in 2001, right before the invasion form the
west. Now, under the guardianship of the US and UK, opium and heroin
production is at an all-time high in Afghanistan. To this day, rather
than destroy the Afghan poppy fields, they are closely guarded by
western troops from the US and UK.
27) The Libya War was all about $$$. Libya
was illegally invaded through unprovoked war for more than one reason.
One reason was that
Muammar Ghaddafy had told the US that Libya would
no longer accept Federal Reserve Notes (US dollar) in exchange for
oil. Only the gold dinar would be accepted. The war was also about
bringing Libya into the central bank system and to murder Ghaddafy,
the highly popular former leader of the African union. Libya had a
better quality of life and higher standard of living than most nations
of the world, including the US and UK. Ghaddafy was to receive a UN
humanitarian award before he was brutally sodomized with a bayonet and
murdered by US led forces. Curiously, before the war was over and
before Ghaddafy was killed, a new central bank was mysteriously
erected in Libya, along with a new oil ministry, all as the west
28) Origins of the unwarranted US Police State.
According to the authoritative source for crime in the US, the FBI's
Uniform Crime Report (UCR), violent crime has been dropping for at
least 40 years, with the biggest decrease coming during the 1990's.
Despite the huge decrease in crime in the 90's, militarization of US
law enforcement agencies (LEA's) strangely went up during the same
time period. Another contrast is the rise in prison enrollment,
despite a significant cut of nearly 50% in violent crime.
Three programs were developed solely to funnel
military arms into US LEA's:
1990... 1208 Program (State LEA's)
[rolled into the 1033 program] George HW Bush
1994... 1122 Program (State & local LEA's)
[operates redundantly with 1033] Bill Clinton
1997... 1033 Program (State & local LEA's)
[operates redundantly with 1122] Bill Clinton
The false claim has been made that the
billions of
dollars spent on militarization of US police, at a time when violent
crime was dropping, was allegedly due to the War on Drugs, however...
the War on Drugs was never about fighting the neighborhood pot dealer
with machine guns, grenade launchers and tanks. Since 9/11, more US
citizens have been killed by police than all US soldiers killed in the
illegal Iraq war.
SWAT raids have increased from 300 per year in the
70's, to over 40,000 per year since 9/11. A US police state now
exists, despite the fact that they may not be targeting you
individually. What should worry you most are the newly increased ways
and abilities given to LEA's to arrest you, post 9/11.
29) The War on Terror is pure bullshit.
Numerous agencies are on record as stating that western policies
towards the middle east actually create terrorism. Through the use of
gutless unmanned drone aerial attacks, the US has killed hundreds upon
hundreds of
innocent civilians, even in an allied country such as Pakistan.
The War on Terror is essentially
a war on those
countries resisting the new world order. (Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan,
Syria, etc.) Funny how George W Bush's "Axis of Evil" consists only of
non-Rothschild banking states.
A Rand study concluded, after studying 648
terrorist groups between 1968 and 2006, that military operations
against such groups are among the least effective means of success.
Moreover, “the use of substantial U.S. military power against
terror groups also runs a significant risk of turning the local
population against the government by killing civilians.”
The Rand reports concludes, the U.S. “war on
terrorism” has been a failure, as it also said of the "war on
With its senseless drone bombing murders of
hundreds of innocent citizens, the US is now fostering a climate of
terrorist retaliation. The corporate media says little if nothing
about the "collateral damage" done in the name of fighting the
"War on Terror."
30) The Boston marathon bombing was a false flag.
The presence of Craft Security and the missing backpack from one of
their members is more than suspicious, considering the glaring fact
that the missing Craft backpack is an exact match for the bomb
backpack, yet the
media has not mentioned the presence of Craft
Security even once. Do a Google or Bing image search for Boston
Marathon Craft Security and note the paramilitary dress of the
individuals pictured, but more importantly, take note of the backpack
comparisons. The fact that the corporate media has said nothing about
the Craft presence is very interesting.
31) Proclamation
7463, a little known government state of emergency order (SOE). This
is a continuation of the state of emergency order from the day after
9/11, still in effect to this very day. That's right, over 18
years of a State of Emergency in this country! WTF?
So ask yourself this question, why have Bush, Obama
and Trump ALL continued to sign this
"state of emergency" order, every
single year since 9/11?
Are things really that bad and out of control here
in the U.S. that a state of emergency needs to continue for over 18 freakin' years... or perhaps is Proclamation 7463 an integral
component in changing the US government into something that "We the
people" did not vote for?
The suspicion is, the former US government has been
illegally done away with, along with our forefather's Constitution and
its Bill of Rights and replaced with a secret government, one that
has been in the shadows for years, but has now taken center stage in
the control of the United States.
So, what is the real truth behind
Proclamation 7463?
Whatever the real story is, don't hold your breath
waiting for the corporate media to tell you the real truth about this unlawful,
treasonous, crippling decree upon the US.
32) Factions in the US government deliberately
murdered Martin Luther King Jr., yet to this day, no one in the
corporate media says a thing about history as it really happened. It's
not conspiracy theory, because the
House Select Committee on Assassinations
showed it was true. There was also the 1999 trial in which 70 witnesses
testified regarding the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. It took the jury only one hour
to deliver a guilty verdict against the United States government, yet not one
word has ever been said by the corporate media about an
orchestrated government effort to publicly kill a leading national civic
leader. The history books to this day still say that it was James Earl Ray.
one media outlet that did talk about this was RT)
33) HAVA is a proven fraud. The Help
America Vote Act was all about doing just that, helping America
vote, as in... casting as many votes as they want, whenever they want.
Bev Harris of
Blackbox Voting has proven this in the HBO documentary,
Hacking Democracy. Software programmer
Clint Curtis testified that Florida Congressman
Tom Feeney paid him to write fraudulent code into touchscreen
voting software to steal votes, yet the mainstream media has not
reported this huge story that proves democracy's election system is
rigged. See also the documentary,
Murder, Spies & Voting Lies.
Sadly enough, these are but just a few of the many
news examples that the media does not dig deep enough on. There is far
more to these stories than the media has given us. To be fair, some of these stories were
actually reported, but only once or twice and then they
were buried, nevermore to be repeated by the corporate media or talked of
publicly again.
In Summary
Any good journalist should know the real truth about
what is happening in this country, from Kennedy's murder, to the false
Gulf of Tonkin attack which led us into the Vietnam War, to the
horrific events of 9/11. The facts are
out there. All they have to do is take a look. They went to broadcast school too.
They took journalism. They were taught how to ferret out a story...
yet they don't always get to do so in matters that mean the most to all of us.
When they continue to remain silent, that very well could just be
their own lack of journalistic curiosity in such matters, or perhaps a
nod to the integrity of their employer.
It's not the good people of the press who are the
problem here. It's those who sign their paychecks.

Just like many rigged casino or
carnival games which always allow a few winners in order to keep the
illusion that the game is legitimate, the same idea holds true in the
corporate media. Once in a great while there are a few epic
disclosures of high crime, but
seldom these days, if ever, do we receive anything that reaches the
real $$$ power that sits behind the thrones of
As a running exercise, make a note the next time a family
of uber-wealth gets indicted or arrested for something. Say maybe a Warburg,
Rockefeller, Morgan, Sinclair, or even perhaps a Rothschild. Just don't hold your
breath, waiting for white-collar high crime to be prosecuted the same way
that regular blue-collar crime gets prosecuted.
The bottom line is this... the mainstream
media (MSM) has shown us time and time again they are not
giving us the whole truth and nothing but the truth. As a result, they
can't always be trusted. After all, the
corporate mainstream news media is the property of the ultra-rich, as a
bought-and-paid-for tool of societal influence and control for them.
Many people consider some members of the
media to be, for all intents and purposes,
traitors to our country and significant accessories to high crime
in this country. Many want them held accountable for withholding the
truth. These are harsh words indeed, but they might best be reserved
for those who joined Operation Mockingbird or perhaps the CFR, as
opposed to all members of the media.
Those media members who would do such things are not only traitors to the people they are supposed to help
protect, but also traitors to their profession. They are disgraces of the worst
kind, pretending to inform the public, all the while they are actually deceiving it.
It should be added that some of these people are simply duped
themselves or are just towing the corporate line.
As a result, you need a careful, discerning
approach when receiving information from such a controlled media
cartel that is purposefully and deliberately working to deceive you.
With today's engineered, controlled press, you most certainly need to
know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, in order to gain even a
glimpse of what is really going on. That even goes for websites like
this. Search the truth on your own. (Because this author has been
surprised too many times. We are always learning.)
So, the next time the media explains why we need to go
to war, or the specific reasons for why there was a domestic terror attack, perhaps you will
rightfully think twice now before accepting what very well
could be a
contrived and concocted explanation, as opposed to the real truth.
It's not an easy world to live in. It is the oyster of the rich. We
are its servants.
Lastly, it is an understatement to say
that the corporate media is the enabler of high crime in this country.
They are the essential key tool in controlling public
perceptions, while contributing directly to its overall collective
ignorance. Again, not all media members are bad. There is a hierarchy
that has to be followed, if you want to keep your cush media gig.
While the media needs to be
held accountable for its role, so do we as consumers of news.
To learn more about the corrupt,
corporate mainstream media, please see the following article links and the video
posted below on this page.
Please bookmark this website
and then tell a friend. The people need to know.